What Does One Do?

What does one do when nothing he feels can find words?

When the agony and pain are filled up and find no outlet?

The sheer helplessness of not finding the right words, the right people, the circumstances!

What does one do? Where does one go to scream? How does one let out all this pain? This emotion? This helplessness?

What does one do?

5 thoughts on “What Does One Do?

  1. Saaib Ahmed March 13, 2019 / 7:14 pm

    What one could, one would.

    The utter failure of understanding emotion tells us how teeny tiny helpless creatures we are.


    • Hirra March 16, 2019 / 11:22 pm

      Can we not do anything regarding the helplessness?


      • Saaib Ahmed March 17, 2019 / 10:22 pm

        It is virtually impossible to let someone else feel what one is feeling. That itself makes the other “else”. I feel I like a person, how would I make that person understand what I feel. That feeling is inside me. Communication has its barriers.


      • Saaib Ahmed March 17, 2019 / 10:26 pm

        What can give solace to a believer is the fact that God understands what a person feels. Also if one comes in terms with the impossibilities of life, life gets easier. I have heart the Prophet (saw) used to pray to God to grant him the vision which would help him distinguish between what he could change through effort and what was unchangeable.


      • Saaib Ahmed March 17, 2019 / 10:29 pm

        It is virtually impossible to let someone else feel what one is feeling. That itself makes the other “else”. I feel I like a person, how would I make that person understand what I feel. That feeling is inside me. Communication has its barriers.

        What can give solace to a believer is the fact that God understands what a person feels. Also if one comes in terms with the impossibilities of life, life gets easier. I have heart the Prophet (saw) used to pray to God to grant him the vision which would help him distinguish between what he could change through effort and what was unchangeable.


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